Personal Injury, Bankruptcy & Business Law Attorneys in Bangor, Maine
Vafiades, Brountas & Kominsky, LLPPO Box 919 | 23 Water St. | Bangor, ME 04402
Phone: (207) 947-6915 | Fax: (207) 941-0863Make a Payment
207-947-6915PO Box 919 | 23 Water St. Bangor, ME 04402Make a Payment
Email Policy
Vafiades, Brountas & Kominsky, LLP Email Policy
Any email we receive, no matter what it contains, does not create an attorney/client relationship between you and Vafiades, Brountas & Kominsky, LLP.
Email is not secure.
Under no circumstances should you email us any information that is either confidential or sensitive.
In order for us to provide information or advice to you in a situation involving a dispute with an opposing party, it will be necessary for us to know the name of your opposing party so that we may ensure that this firm does not have a conflict of interest. While this may not be necessary in all situations, such as some probate matters, it is generally necessary for us to have the name of any potential opposing parties prior to receiving any information from you. Should we determine that we have a conflict, it will be impossible for us to represent you and you will not want to share information with us. If you send unsolicited information, confidential or otherwise, to an attorney who represents a party opposed to you, the attorney may be obligated by law to disclose to the opposing party or the opposing party’s attorney the information you have shared. This problem can be avoided by identifying in your email message to us the name of any opposing party and by being careful to not send us any sensitive information in your email to us.